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Hidden Compartments

I've always held a deep appreciation for Japanese art forms. The keen attention to detail and high level of refinement is carried into so many aspects of the culture. Simplicity, beauty and practicality have become cornerstone values for me where objects are concerned -- with a touch of eccentricity, for balance.

This origami binder fits that mold perfectly. Ideal storage for all kinds of treasures: seeds, news clippings, love notes, photographs. A perfect place to hide away cherished snippets of life that we forget about and come back to with great delight. This is definitely one for the collection. A quiet project for the winter months. - FMH

Update: The previous video somehow disappeared and in my search for a replacement, I learned that this is actually a Chinese creation called zhen xian bao. These books were traditionally used to hold thread and other embroidery materials.

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